
一种新型二维铜配合物的水热合成及其晶体结构 被引量:4

Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure Determination of one novel 2-D copper(Ⅱ) complex
摘要 以硫酸锌和氟康唑为原料采用水热法合成一种新型配位聚合物.单晶X2射线衍射实验表明,标题化合物属于单斜晶系,C2/c空间群,晶胞参数为a=15.902(2),b=17.996(2),c=12.9224(18),β=96.240(2),V=3676.2(9)3,Z=4.每个铜离子分别与4个不同氟康唑配体上的三唑氮原子以及一对氯离子配位,形成一个几何八面体构型.氟康唑分子将相邻的铜离子连接起来,形成波浪层状配位网络结构.主体骨架,水分子与硫酸根之间的氢键相互作用进一步稳定了此结构. A coordination polymer containing divalent copper and fluconazole has been obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. It crystallizes in monoclinic system, space group P2(1)/c with a = 15. 902 (2) A , b= 17. 996(2) a , c = 12. 9224 (18) ,Aβ=96.240(2)/k , V =3676.2(9) A3 , Z =4 .Each Cu center is coordinated to four triazole nitrogen atoms from distinct HFIu ligands and a pair of chloride anions, forming an oc- tahedral geometry. The fluconazole molecules connect the adjacent Cu I1 ions to generate anundulated layered coordination framework. Hydrogen bonding interactions are also observed between the hostframework, sulfate and the water molecule to further sustain the whole crystalline lattice.
出处 《广西民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第2期84-87,共4页 Journal of Guangxi Minzu University :Natural Science Edition
基金 广西自然科学基金(0832080) 广西民族大学研究生教育创新计划项目(gxun-chx2010080)
关键词 晶体结构 氟康唑 配位聚合物 crystal structure fluconazole Cu(II) coordination polymer
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