

Study on the depth electrode locating epileptic focus in temporal epilepsy
摘要 目的观察深部电极记录的有效性及并发症,并探讨适应证。方法 20例药物难治性颞叶癫患者进行颅内电极植入,包括双侧颞叶纵向深部电极植入、双侧硬膜下颞底条状电极植入、颞外条状电极植入。结果术前进行广泛的无创检查之后仍不能定位致灶的患者是选择颅内电极记录的主要适应证。在所筛选的病人中,17例患者可通过颅内电极记录定位致灶。结论深部电极记录是一种有效及安全的检查方法。 Objective To investigate the accuracy of lateralization and localization of epileptic discharge recorded by depth electrode.Methods Twenty intractable temporal epilepsy patients were implanted with depth electrode,including:bilateral temporal longitual depth electrode,bilateral base temporal subdural strip electrode,non temporal strip electrode.Results Patients whose epileptic focus couldn't be located after noninvasive method were suit for depth electrode record.Of these patients with temporal lobe epilepsy who underwent depth electrode implantation,17 patients became seizures free or experienced significant reduction in seizures severity and frequency.Conclusion Depth electrode record is a effective and safe method of preoperative evaluation for epilepsy patient.
出处 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2011年第13期3-5,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases
关键词 深部电极 癫 颞叶 Depth electrode Epilepsy Tempus
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