
广东省2008-2009年沙门菌监测 被引量:18

Surveillance on Salmonella infection in Guangdong province, 2008-2009
摘要 目的了解广东省腹泻患者中沙门菌的感染及沙门菌暴发的情况以及沙门菌株的血清型别、耐药性和分子特征。方法对纳入研究的腹泻病患者进行沙门菌的检测,对日常监测中分离到的菌株和暴发监测收集到的菌株进行血清分型、药物敏感试验和脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)分型。结果2008年共检测1922份粪便标本,分离到71株沙门菌,阳性率为3.7%;2009年检测2110份粪便标本,分离到85株沙门菌,阳性检出率为4.0%;156株菌共分37种血清型,鼠伤寒和肠炎沙门菌居多;监测到10起由沙门菌污染引起的食物中毒事件,其中有4起由肠炎沙门菌引起,有3起由鼠伤寒沙门菌引起;发现1起疑似肠炎沙门菌暴发,并开展流行病学调查,结果提示4名病例中有2名病例是感染同一来源的肠炎沙门菌;229株沙门菌对头孢类和喹诺酮类抗菌药物敏感率达80%以上,59.3%是多重耐药沙门菌。结论在广东省引起感染性腹泻和食物中毒的沙门菌主要为肠炎沙门菌和鼠伤寒沙门菌。 Objective To understand the infection of Salmonella (S.) in patients with diarrhea and outbreaks caused by Salmonella to identify the serotypes, resistance to antibiotics and PFGE types of the strains from the surveillance program in Guangdong province. Methods S. strains from patients with diarrhea were detected, and all the positive strains collected in routine and outbreak surveillance programs, were tested by serum agglutination, antibiotic susceptibility and PFGE. Results 71 S. strains were isolated from 1922 stool samples in 2008, with positive rate as 3.7%. 85 S. strains were isolated from 2110 stool samples in 2009, with positive rate as 4.0%. All the 156 strains were divided into 37 serotypes, with S. serotype typhimurium and enteritidis as the most common serotypes. 10 incidents of food poisoning were detected, of which 4 were caused by enteritidis and 3 by typhimurium. A suspected outbreak by enteritidis was discovered and under epidemiological investigation. The findings indicated that 2 of the 4 patients from this outbreak were infected with identical enteritidis isolates. 80% of the 229 isolates were found susceptible to cephalosporins and quinolone and 59.3% of them were multiresistant to the antibiotics. Conclusion S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium were the most common serotypes that caused infectious diarrhoea and food poisoning in Guangdong province.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期789-792,共4页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 中美新发和再发传染病合作项目(1U2GGH000018-01)
关键词 沙门菌 监测 暴发 Salmonella Surveillance Outbreak
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