
贸易开放是否改善了能源效率:基于省区间比较优势非线性的实证分析 被引量:12

Does Trade Openness Improve Energy Efficiency in China:A Nonlinear Analysis Based on Comparative Advantage
摘要 我国作为能源消费大国和对外贸易大国,能源消费与经济增长的矛盾日益凸显,成为了我国在实现可持续发展目标的过程中的新难题。本文运用了Antweiler等提出的理论模型,使用31个省份1995-2008年的数据、采用面板固定效应进行计量回归,探讨贸易自由化与我国各省份的能源消费情况的关系。结果显示,对外贸易通过规模、技术和结构效应对能源的消费产生了程度和效果各异的影响。其中,贸易引致的结构效应则由各省的比较优势所决定并通过对外贸易影响当地的能源消费情况及变化趋势。 This paper is inspired by the large amount of energy consumption and international trade volume of China. The contradiction between energy consumption and economic growth has been a big problem in the process of sustainable developing. We utilize the theoretical model put forward by Antweil- er and data including 31 provinces in the period from 1995 to 2008 to explore the relationship between trade liberalization and energy consumption in province level by means of panel fixed effect specification. The result implies that the trade liberalization affects the energy consumption by Scale effect, Technologi- cal effect and Composition effect. Especially, the comparative advantage of each province determines the trade -induced composition effect and affect the local energy consumption by trade significantly.
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期21-28,共8页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
关键词 贸易自由化能源消费 比较优势面板固定效应 Trade liberalization Energy consumption Comparative advantage Panel fixed effect speci- fication
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