
环境立法、执法对环保产业发展的影响——基于中国经验数据的实证分析 被引量:29

How do Environmental Legislation and Environmental Enforcement Influence on the Development of Environmental Industry——an Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Data
摘要 环保产品消费的"正外部性"特征决定了市场调节下的环保产业发展将受到市场需求不足的严重制约,但政府环境管制产生的对环保产品的强制性需求可为环保产业发展奠定必要的市场基础。本文基于中国经验数据的分析发现,地方政府的环境立法和环境执法努力均对环保产业发展具有显著的促进效应,且环境立法的环保产业促进效应的发挥受到环境执法努力的影响,环境执法的环保产业促进效应也依赖于完善的环境立法,其中环境执法可能比环境立法本身更为重要;我们还发现,环境压力、环境意识、经济发展水平以及国有经济比重等是决定地方政府环境执法努力的主要因素。 The development of environmental industries (EI) would restricted by limited demands, because the consuming of environmental goods and services(EGS) has positive externality. But the gov- ernment~ environmental regulations can stimulate the necessary demand of EGS through obliging enterpri- ses and citizens to consume EGS. Based on the Chinese experience, we find that the environmental legis- lation(EL) and enforcement(EE) of local authority are both positively related to the development of El, the positive effects which EL impacts on the development of El related to EE, and so does EE to EL, in some sense, EE is more important. In addition, the main factors which determine EE of local authority include: environmental pressure, environmental consciousness, economic development, and SOE, et al..
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第8期71-82,共12页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家社科基金"西部地区环保产业发展的机制与模式研究"(编号08BJY075主持人:李树)的阶段成果
关键词 环境立法 环境执法 环保产业 Environmental Legislation Environmental Enforcement Environmental Industries
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