随着综合化航空电子技术的发展,众多的航空电子设备被开发出来,如何使用一个统一的、开放的显示通信接口变得尤为重要。ARINC 661作为一个标准,对座舱显示系统和用户应用系统进行了定义并规范化,对模块化的航空电子系统的开发具有重要的意义。基于ARINC 661规范,分析研究了开放式CDS(Cockpit Display System)结构,对开放式CDS系统中的窗体部件串行化、ARINC 661指令层实现、坐标系统与部件渲染等关键技术进行了研究,并通过模拟的座舱显示系统进行了实验验证,证明研究所取得的成果是可行的。
As the development of avionic, more and more avionic system was designed. It is very important to use a unified open- architect cockpit display interface. ARINC 661 is a standard which normalizes the interface between CDS (Cockpit Display System) and UA(User Application). This open- architect system is very useful for developing avionic system. This paper is based on ARINC 661 specification and discusses the details of some key techniques including serialization of widgets,ARINC 661 command protocol, coordinate system and rendering widgets of a open- architect CDS. At last it shows a set of UA and CDS software which are running in a emulation environment.
Aeronautical Computing Technique