随着当代信息技术和网络经济的飞速发展,企业的分支机构不断增加,VPN技术主要用于为一个企业分布于各地的分支机构提供安全、可靠、易于管理的网络服务,其中应用最为广泛的是MPLS VPN技术。首先通过对MPLS VPN技术的分析,阐述了其技术原理及技术特点,描述了其网络应用典型架构,并提出了MPLS VPN业务在不同场景下对网络的QoS要求。
With the fast development of modern information technology and network economy,the enterprise branches are increased rapidly.The VPN technology is used to provide secure,reliable and manageable network services for the international company which has branches all over the world.MPLS VPN is one of the most widely used VPN technologies.Through the analysis of MPLS VPN,the technical principle and characteristic are analyzed.The typical architecture of MPLS VPN is also described.The Qos requirements of different MPLS VPN services are suggested.
Modern Electronics Technique