目的探讨中医药治疗糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retionopathy,DR)的用药情况。方法通过中国期刊网全文数据库检索2000-2010年国内公开发表的中医药治疗DR的文献,对符合条件的进行初步归纳和分析。结果共检索出符合条件的文献85篇,涉及中药147味,以补虚、活血化瘀、清热类最多。文献中所报道病例以非增殖期病变为主,构成比为58.82%;用药观察时间以12周为最多,构成比为44.71%。结论虚、瘀、热贯穿于DR的发病过程始终,补益扶正、活血化瘀、凉血止缸是治疗DR的基本方法。
Objective To investigate the laws of the treatment of diabetic retinopathy with traditional Chinese medicine. Methods By searching domestic literature of treating DR with traditional Chinese medicine in CNKI from 2000 to 2010, made primary summary and analyzed. Results 85 eligible published documents were found involving 147 medicinal herbs. Herbs with the functions of tonifying, activating blood circulation and eliminating stasis and heat were mostly seen. Cases reported in literature were mainly non-proliferative lesions, occupying a ratio of 58.82%; drug observation time was mainly 12 weeks, occupying a ratio of 44.17%. Conclusion Asthenia, statis and heat were pathological factors existing throughout the whole process of DR. Invigorating, romoting blood circulation, and, cooling blood should be the basic therapeutic methods.
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Diabetic retinopathy
Traditional Chinese medicine