采用XRD, LRS,FTIR, UVDRS和TPR 研究了MoO3 在载体Ga2O3 上的分散情况.结果表明: MoO3 的分散状态受Ga2O3 表面结构的影响, MoO3 在Ga2O3 上的分散容量约为8-4μmol/m2 ; 低于该分散容量时, Mo6 + 主要以高分散态存在于Ga2 O3 表面,而高于该分散容量时,除有分散态的Mo—O 物种外,还有残余的MoO3 晶相出现.TPR 结果表明: MoO3 低于分散容量时,体系中只观察到两个有关钼物种的还原峰(400 ℃和850 ℃) ; 高于分散容量时, 又出现一个新还原峰(550 ℃) .400 ℃处的峰为分散态钼物种中的Mo6 + 还原为Mo4 + ;550 ℃处的峰为MoO3 晶相中的Mo6 + 还原为Mo4 + ;850 ℃处的峰为Mo4 + 还原为Mo0 . 结合嵌入模型对这些实验事实进行了解释.
XRD, LRS, FT IR, UV DRS and TPR were used to characterize the dispersion of MoO 3 on Ga 2O 3. The results showed that the dispersion capacity (defined as MoO 3 amount on unit surface area of Ga 2O 3) is 8 4 μmol/m 2 (corresponding to Mo 6+ of 5 04/nm 2). In the samples with MoO 3 loading lower than the dispersion capacity, MoO 3 highly dispersed on the surface of Ga 2O 3; while in the samples with MoO 3 loading higher than the dispersion capacity, the crystalline MoO 3 was also found besides the dispersed species. For the MoO 3/Ga 2O 3 samples with lower MoO 3 loading, there were two reduction peaks appearing at ca 400 ℃ and ca 850 ℃ in TPR profile, corresponding to the reduction of Mo 6+ to Mo 4+ and Mo 4+ to Mo 0 respectively. For the samples with higher MoO 3 loading, another peak at ca 550 ℃ appeared owing to the reduction of crystalline MoO 3.These results were discussed by the incorporation model proposed previously.