用运Lyapunov 泛函讨论了一类不确定时滞系统的鲁棒稳定性,给出了具有滞后型非线性扰动的线性系统鲁棒稳定性的一些新判据- 本文给出的稳定性判据不仅优于前人一些相关结果而且适用于无界时滞系统- 文末给出了说明本文结果优越性的一些例子- 表1 ,参4-
In this paper,the Lyapunov functional is used to study robust stability of uncertain time delay systems.Some new robust stability criteria for linear dynamical systems subject to delay time varying and nonlinear perturbations is derived.The results obtained in this note are not only less conservative than the ones reported so far in the literature but also can be applicable to unbounded time varying delay systems.Several numerical examples is given to demonstrate the utilization of our results.1tab.,4refs.
Journal of Xiangtan Mining Institute