
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯薄膜的弹性模量测量研究 被引量:3

Determination for the elastic modulus of the PMMA thin film
摘要 高聚物材料由于其易热变形、常温下状态稳定且不易被破坏等优点,是新型的存储技术———基于扫描探针显微术(SPM)的热机械超高密度信息存储技术的理想存储介质材料,存储介质的力学特性是影响热机械形成的数据斑形貌的重要因素。实验使用纳米压痕法对270nm厚聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)薄膜的弹性模量进行测试,采用两次保载过程,有效地消除了材料的黏性对测试结果的影响。同时研究了基底效应的影响,通过引入与深度相关的影响因子估算基底的影响,得到PMMA薄膜在常温下的弹性模量为6.5GPa。 Polymer materials have been considered as an ideal storage medium in novel storage technology,a ultrahigh density data storage technology though thermo-mechanical method based on the Scanning Probe Microscopy(SPM) technology,due to their easily thermal deforming、stability in normal temperature and perfect destroying-resistance.And the mechanical properties of the storage medium can significantly affect the morphology of the data-point as formed by the thermal deformation.The nanoindentation method was chosen for determinating the elastic modulus of the poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA)film with 270 nm thickness,by applying two load-holding process,it effectively eliminated the affect of the material's viscosity property on the measurement.The substrate effects was also estimated by inputing a parameter relating to the penetrated depth,and the determined elastic modulus at normal temperature is 6.5GPa.
出处 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1-5,11,共6页 Modern Manufacturing Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50805137)
关键词 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 薄膜 纳米压痕 弹性模量 黏性 基底效应 PMMA film nanoindentation elastic modulus viscosity substrate effects
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