h类指数是集发文与引文为一体的文献计量指标。h类指数序列可用于展示研究对象绩效的动态演化。已发表的h类指数序列研究采用的是全引文窗口,不同发文年的h类指数因引文窗口不同而不可比较。本文介绍了基于固定引文窗口构建h类指数序列的方法。固定引文窗口保证了不同发文年h类指数的可比性。利用SC I数据库1978-2009年期间中国、印度、日本发表的物理学论文的数据,分别构建了三个国家基于5年引文窗口的h指数序列、g指数序列、a指数序列以及r指数序列,并对三国物理学发展做了比较研究。
H - type indices are bibliometric indicators combining publication indicator with citation indicator, h - type index sequence could be applied to present the changing tendency of the research performance of the evaluated units. Full citation windows were used in the formal study on h - type index sequences. Therefore, the h indices are incomparable between different publication years because of the non - uniform citation windows. In this paper we introduce the method to create the h - type sequence based on fixed citation window, which made the h - type indices of different years comparable. Selecting SCI physics papers published by Chinese, Indian and Japanese during the period 1978 -2009 we constructed the three countries' h - sequences, g - sequences, a - sequences and r - sequences, respectively, with five - year citation window. The development of Chinese physics, India physics and Japanese physics are compared.
Studies in Science of Science