
心肌缺血少见的几种心电图变化 被引量:6

Several rare changes in the electrocardiogram with myocardial ischemia
摘要 目的观察心肌缺血患者的少见心电图图形变化特征。方法回顾性分析215例心肌缺血患者的心电图资料,归纳几种少见的心电图特征。结果 215例患者的心电图资料中:①出现J波者16例,其中2例J波与T波融合且振幅逐波交替;②QTc间期改变者44例,其中延长者25例,缩短者19例;③出现(类)右束支阻滞者23例,其中14例持续存在,9例为一过性出现;④出现各种等位性Q波者106例,其中9例表现为新出现的s波。结论心肌缺血可表现为J波出现,QTc间期的改变、(类)右束支阻滞、s波型等位性Q波等。 Objective To study the characteristics of ECG ehangs in myocardial ischemia. Methods Retrospective analysis of EGG data of 215 patients with myocardial ischemia to observe several rare ECG characters. Results In the 215 patients with myocardial ischemia, the ECG characteristics were the following up:①16 cases of ischemic J wave including 2 cases of J wave altemation;②14 cases had changes of QTc interval, including 25 cases of QTc prolongation, 19 patients of QTc interval shortening;③23 patients had right bundle branch block (-like QRS),including 14 cases whose right bundle branch block (-like QRS) were persistent, 9 cases whose right bundle branch block (-like QRS) were transient;④106 eases had all kinds of isoelectric Q wave, including 9 cases of s wave could be seen. Condusion lschemie J wave,QTe interval change, resembling right bundle branch block, and isoelectric Q wave( like s wave)could see in myocardial isebemia.
机构地区 河南省人民医院
出处 《中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志》 北大核心 2011年第4期330-333,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology
关键词 心血管病学 心肌缺血 心电图 QTC间期 J波电交替 (类)右束支阻滞 等位性Q波 Cardiology Myocardial isehemia Electrocardiogram QTc interval Electrical alternation of J wave Right bundle branch block( -like QRS) Allelic Q wave
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