
残留磨牙修复中超声骨刀半牙术的应用 被引量:4

The application of tooth hemisection by using piezosurgery device in dowel crown to save molars with severe defect
摘要 目的评价残留磨牙应用超声骨刀行分根术及半切术后,桩核冠桥修复的临床疗效。方法临床选择符合条件的31颗下颌磨牙进行完善的根管治疗后,应用超声骨刀行分根术或半切术,必要时做冠延长术,根分叉有炎症者先行牙周治疗,而后做桩核联冠或固定桥修复。随访2年。结果除一颗患牙牙周炎进展导致牙周脓肿松动拔除外,其余30颗患牙均能保持良好的咀嚼功能,患者主观感受无明显不适,X线片示牙槽骨无明显吸收或有少量增生。结论应用超声骨刀行牙分根术及半切术,联合冠桥修复对治疗严重缺损下颌磨牙具有良好的临床效果。 Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of application of piezosurgery device in root separation and tooth hemisection combined with dowel crown or fixed bridge in shattered molars.Methods A total of 31 mandibular molars coincided with the criteria were selected for study.Root separation,tooth hemisection,crown lengthening and furcation involvement therapy when needed were performed with piezosurgery device after consummate root canal therapy.Then post and core were restored and combined crowns or bridges were made.All cases were followed up for 2 years.Results All of the teeth functioned well except one failed for the progress of periodontitis.X-ray films showed no obvious alveolar bone loss.Conclusion Satisfactory effect can be obtained by using piezosurgery device in root separation and tooth hemisection combined with dowel crown or fixed bridge to save mandibular molars with severe defect.
出处 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2011年第15期1165-1167,共3页 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
关键词 残留磨牙 半切术 超声骨刀 根分叉病变 Shattered molars Tooth hemisection Piezosurgery Furcation involvement
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