目的 探讨紫外光量子辐射充氧对库存全血的净化作用。方法 采用紫外光量子辐射并同步充入医用氧气的方法,将库存全血制备成异体光量子血。对制备前后血液中多项指标含量的变化情况进行了实验研究。结果 制备后的血液:PCO2 含量下降了2.19 倍,而PO2 含量上升了6.9 倍;对细菌的杀灭率为74 .6% ,对细菌内毒素的清除率为96.9% ;对血细胞数量、离子及血糖血脂含量无明显影响。结论 紫外光量子辐射充氧对库存全血起到了有效地净化作用。从而提高了血液质量,确保了疗效,同时也为临床应用这种血液治疗多种疾病提供了较强的科学依据。
Objectives Reserch the effects of ultravidet photon radiation and oxygenqtion to puvify the bank whole blood.Methods The ultravidet photon radiation and oxygenation both were used to make,the bank whole blood charye into the new photon blook and the experiment reserch for series blood paraneters were done.Results We found some parameters of proceed blood showed somedhanges:Pco 2 decreased by 2.19-folcd.Pco 2 incrdased by 6.9-fold After done proced,the tlimination of bactrium was 74.6%,the percent of endotoxin dimimisheed was higk as 96.9%,the methol didn’t have obvious effect to blood cell count.as well as the ion.Guccose and lipiasetc. Conclusions We believed that there are satisfactovy effects for bank whole blood purified by uitravidet photon radiation and oxygenation.
Ningxia Medical Journal