目的和方法: 通过LAL 改良基质显色法和紫外光谱法观察甘氨酸/ 多粘菌素B(PMB) 合剂体外拮抗内毒素的机制。结果:测定了各拮抗剂与内毒素中和后剩余内毒素的浓度( 活性) ,结果表明甘氨酸/PMB 合剂组、PMB 组和甘氨酸组均显著低于内毒素组( P< 0-01) ,并且甘氨酸/PMB 合剂组显著低于单独使用PMB 组和甘氨酸组( P< 0-01) 。从紫外光谱图上可看到两种拮抗剂中和内毒素的作用是明显不同的:PMB 可以降低内毒素的吸收峰值(206 nm 和257nm 处) ,而甘氨酸与内毒素的吸收峰值则相加(212 nm 和257 nm 处) 。结论: 1) 内毒素脂质A 上磷酸基团及相连的氨基葡萄糖双糖结构在甘氨酸、PMB 作用下发生了变化,从而失去了对鲎试剂中C 因子的激活作用,并且甘氨酸、PMB 联合应用比单独使用效果要好;2) 提示甘氨酸和PMB 可能是分别作用在内毒素分子的不同结构部位。
AIM and METHOD: Modified Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL)test with chromogenic substrate and ultraviolet spectrometer was used to investigate the mechanism of anti-endotoxin of glycine and polymyxin B in vitro RESULTS: Concentration of residual endotoxin(RE) was determined after antagonists neutralized endotoxin: In glycine/polymyxin B mixture group,polymyxin B group,glycine group RE were significantly lower than that of endotoxin group( P< 0 01), and in glycine/ polymyxin B mixture group RE was significantly lower than that of polymyxin B,glycine group( P< 0 01) Observed the graph of various groups with ultraviolet spectrometer, it was obvious that there were difference between action of two antagonists to neutralize endotoxin: polymyxin B decreased absorption peak value of endotoxin (at 206 nm and 257 nm), however, absorption peak values of glycine and endotoxin can be add up (at 212 nm and 257 nm) CONCLUSIONS: The result suggested that:1) phosphoric acid unit and amino-bio-glucose of lipid A was changed after endotoxin was neutralized by glycine,polymyxin B and lost the activating C factor in LAL, moreover, glycine/polymyxin B mixture might be better than any one of single antagonist; 2)glycine and polymyxin B affected different parts of endotoxin molecule
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology