

摘要 美国诗人格雷.史奈德耗时40年完成的具有全球亚文化和神话色彩的长诗《山河无尽》自1996年出版以来一直被誉为西方生态诗歌的盖世之作。受日本《禅林句集》的启迪,史奈德运用其独创的ku结构机制解决了该诗卷中"山河无尽"的叙事矛盾,营造出时空一体的诗意效果。本文探讨史氏ku结构与俳句、禅林语录、视觉想像、自然-禅意象等概念之间的内在关联,分析诗人如何运用杂糅手法、采用亚文化素材创作ku结构以及ku结构如何调和诗人"先知/预言家"两大功能的矛盾。
作者 谭琼琳
出处 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期204-215,共12页 Foreign Literature Review
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  • 1Anthony Hunt, Genesis, Structure, and Meaning in Gary Snyder's Mountains and Riven Without End, Reno & Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 2004.
  • 2See also Tim Dean, "The Other's Voice : Cultural Imperialism and Poetic Impersonality in Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End", in Contemporary Literature, 41.3 (Fall 2000), pp. 462- 494.
  • 3Robert Kern, " Mountains and Rivers Are Us: Gary Snyder and the Nature of the Nature of Nature", in College Literature, 27. 1 (Winter 2000), pp. 119 - 128.
  • 4Woon-Ping Chin Holaday, "Formlessness and Form in Gary Snyder's Mountains and Ri~ers Without End", in Sagetrieb, 5.1 (Spring 1986), pp. 41 -51.
  • 5Patrick D. Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring: The Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder, Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 2000.
  • 6See Ekbert Fans, ed. , Towards a New American Poetics: Essays & Interviews, Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1979, pp. 135 - 136.
  • 7See SNku Shigematsu, ed. , A Zen Forest: Sayings of the Masters, New York & Tokyo: Weatherhill, 1992.
  • 8释道元.《景德传灯录》[DB/OL],卷五.
  • 9See The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000, s. v. haiku.
  • 10Quoted by Joan Qionglin Tan, Han Shan, Chan Buddhism and Gary Snyder's Ecopoetic Way, Brighton and Portland : Sus- sex Academic Press, 2009, p. 264.


  • 1Lee, Sherman E. and Wen Fong. Streams and Mountains without End: A northern sung handscroll and its significance in the history of early Chinese painting [ J ]. Artibus Asiae, Suppl, 1954 ( rev. 1967) , 14 : 1 - 57.
  • 2Lee, Sherman. A History of Far Eastern Art [ M]. London: Thames and Hudson, 1964, rev. 1975.
  • 3Bush, Susan. Yet Again 'Streams and Mountains without End' [ J ] . Artibus Asiae , 1987, (48) 3/ 4:197-223.
  • 4http ://www. clevelandart, org, 2006.
  • 5Krieger, Murray. Ekphrasis : The illusion of the natural sign [ M ]. Baltimore and London : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
  • 6苏轼.书鄢陵王主簿所画折枝二首[A].东坡诗·山谷诗[C].岳麓书社,1992.
  • 7Snyder, Gary. Mountains and Rivers Without End [ M]. Washington D. C. : Counterpoint, 1996.
  • 8Snyder, Gary. The Making of Mountains and Rivers Without End [ A ]. Mountains and Rivers Without End [ C ]. Washington D. C. : Counterpoint, 1996.
  • 9Snyder, Gary. Myths & Texts [ M ]. New York:Totem Press ; New York : New Directions, 1960 ; repr. 1978.
  • 10Snyder, Gary. Six Sections from "Mountains and Rivers Without End" [ M ]. San Francisco: Four Seasons Foundations, 1965.









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