
社会资本在科技型中小企业成长过程中的作用机理研究 被引量:1

The Implication of Social Capital in Science-and-technology-based SMEs Growth
摘要 社会资本在科技型中小企业成长过程中起着至关重要的作用。从社会资本、企业家网络和科技型中小企业成长出发,构建了一个基本框架模型,将科技型中小企业的成长划分为四个阶段,即创意形成阶段、产品开发阶段、商业化阶段以及达到快速成长阶段,着重分析了各个阶段的核心任务以及不同的网络关系促使企业从一个阶段发展到另一个阶段并最终达到快速企业成长,同时为企业管理者提供了可行性建议。 Social capital plays an important role in the growth of science-and-technology-based SMEs.This paper explores the role of social capital in science-and-technology-based SMEs growth.On the basis of our studies on social capital,entrepreneurial networks and science-and-technology-based SME growth,we develop a conceptual framework to describe their development through four phases:innovation assessment,product development,commercialization and rapid growth.We focus on discussing the key tasks of each phase and different types of networks relationships which are important in the transitional periods between the growth phases and help the firm to reach the rapid growth.Meanwhile we offer several managerial suggestions at the end of this paper.
出处 《科技管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第16期203-206,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 陕西省软科学计划项目"陕西高新技术商业化能力研究"(2010KRM53)
关键词 社会资本 科技型中小企业 企业成长 social capital science-and-technology-based SMEs firm growth
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