在相同条件下定量比较普通棉粕、高蛋白棉粕、棉籽蛋白和向日葵仁粕4种植物蛋白原料,以及硬颗粒与挤压膨化两种加工工艺对草鱼生长速度、饲料效率、形体、内脏指数及鱼体组成的影响。试验设计蛋白水平(29%)和脂肪水平(3.5%)基本一致的条件,同种原料分别设计低剂量和高剂量两个用量水平,并且相同配方下同时进行硬颗粒和挤压膨化两种加工处理的试验,共16个试验饲料组,于室内水泥池的网箱中喂养平均体重(39.4±1.8)g的草鱼56 d。结果表明:(1)4种植物蛋白原料对草鱼的特定增长率、内脏比、脾体比以及鱼体组成的影响都有显著性差异(P<0.05),而草鱼的饲料系数、蛋白质效率、体重体长比以及肝体比之间差异不显著(P>0.05);(2)同种原料的2种添加剂量对草鱼的特定增长率、饲料系数、蛋白质效率和形体指标的影响都没有显著性差异(P>0.05),但草鱼全鱼和肌肉的粗蛋白及粗脂肪含量差异显著(P<0.05);(3)采用不同的饲料加工工艺,草鱼的饲料系数、蛋白质效率、体重体长比、肾体比、脾体比,以及全鱼、肌肉、肝胰脏的粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量的差异均达到显著水平,而草鱼的特定增长率和肝体比差异不显著(P>0.05)。由此得出:草鱼日粮饲料配方中添加普通棉粕、向日葵仁粕、高蛋白棉粕和棉籽蛋白4种植物蛋白原料时,饲料利用率较高,能够取得良好的养殖效果;4种植物蛋白原料添加量分别控制在22%~32%、20%~28%、18.5%~26.5%、15.5%~22.5%之间为宜,在此添加量范围内,4种蛋白原料对草鱼生长的差异不显著性(P>0.05);硬颗粒饲料比膨化颗粒饲料更利于草鱼的生长及提高饲料的利用率。
The test aimed to compare the effects of four plant protein raw materials - general cottonseed meal (GCM) ,high- protein cottonseed meal (HCM),degossypoUed cottonseed meal (DCM) and sunflower seed meal (SSM), as well as two different feed processing methods on the growth rate, feed efficiency, shape, internal organs in- dex and body compositions of grass carp quantitatively under the same condition. With basically consistent levels of protein 29% and fat 3.5%, every material was designed with low and high dose levels, each feed formula had two feed processing methods and there were 16 experimental groups in all. The experiment lasted for 56 d in a net cage of cement pool. The average body weight of grass carps was (39.4 _+ 1.8 ) g. The results showed that : ( 1 ) the effects of four plant protein raw materials on the specific growth rate (SGR), viscera/body ratio (VBR) ,body composition and spleen/body ratio (SBR) of grass carp showed significant difference (P 〈0.05),while there was no obvious differ- ence among feed conversion ratio ( FCR), protein efficiency ratio ( PER), weight/length (HLR) and liver/body ratio (LBR) of grass carp (P 〉 O. 05 ) ; (2) two dose levels of the same protein material had no significant differences on the SGR, FCR, PER and physical indicators (P 〉 0.05 ) of grass carps, but crude protein content and crude lipid content of the whole fish and muscle had significant differences ( P 〈 0.05 ) ; (3) the FCR, PER, HLR, kidney weight/bedy weight (KBR),SBR,as well as the crude protein content and crude lipid content of the whole fish,muscle and liver of grass carps were significantly different (P 〈 0.05 ), while using different processing technologies, the SGR and LBR of grass carps had no significantly difference ( P 〉 0.05 ). The results also showed that adding GCM, HCM, DCM and SSM in the diets of grass carp could improve feed efficiency and got good breeding effect; the amounts of GCM, HCM,DCM and SSM should be controlled between 22% - 32%, 20% ~ 28%, 18.5% - 26.5% and 15.5%- 22.5 % respectively, and there was no obvious difference on the growth of grass carp used four plant protein materials (P 〉 0.05 ) in this range ; hard pellet feed was superior to the extruded pellet feed on growth and feed efficiency.
Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association