
当代中国的西方商人自传翻译 被引量:1

Glocalization and Western Businessmen's Autobiographies in Contemporary China
摘要 改革开放30年来,新中国进入了经济高速发展时期,促使了在全球化进程中政治、经济、文化和社会的革新。"西方商人"自传的译介恰好为中国人在全球化时代中提供了直观经验的参照。文章从全球本土化的视角切入,首先探讨西方商人自传翻译在中国本土扮演的世界性角色,其次论述西方商人自传在汉译时,如何融入到中国商业本土话语中,并促成了新的身份塑造。第三探究这种新的"身份"在对应全球主义时,目标语读者的多种本土接受,最终在不断改革和重新定位中揭示个体的成功追求与中国现代化发展的关系和内涵。 The 30 years of Reform and Opening have brought explosive changes in social,political and economic development in modern China.The upsurge of translating Western businessmen's autobiographies in the light of globalization has provided a perfect example of intuitional reference for Chinese local readers.Through the perspective of glocalization,this paper first discusses the cosmopolitan roles that the Western businessmen's autobiographies play in the Chinese local context,and then explores theirs relations to the readjustment and displacement in the discourse of Chinese commodity culture which in turn shaping a new identity.The formation of the new identity in coping with globalism gives rise to multiple local receptions among target readers,thus,finally,in such a context,the paper focuses on the elaboration of individual success in relation to China's advancement.
作者 王琼
出处 《图书与情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期98-103,共6页 Library & Information
基金 2008年教育部人文社会科学规划基金项目<文学翻译与创作空间>(08JA740020)研究成果之一
关键词 西方商人自传 全球本土化 翻译 身份 对话 western businessmen's autobiographies glocalization translation identity dialogue
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