
中子三轴谱仪分辨率的计算与分析 被引量:1

Calculation and Analysis of Resolution Function for Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer
摘要 描述了中子三轴谱仪分辨率函数的计算方法,计算分析了中子波矢、准直器水平发散度、谱仪布局及能量和动量转移对分辨率函数的影响。谱仪分辨率随着入射波矢增大而降低,随着准直器水平发散度的减小而提高,谱仪最高能量分辨率能达到23μeV,计算值与实验测量和模拟计算结果符合得很好;谱仪布局只改变分辨率椭球在散射平面的方向,而不会影响谱仪的能量分辨率,有两种布局的动量分辨率较好;分辨率椭球随着能量转移的变化而在散射平面内旋转,同样也会随着动量转移的变化而旋转方向,分辨率的计算对于谱仪物理设计及实验测量具有指导意义。 The method of calculating resolution of triple-axis spectrometer are described,The neutron wavevector,horizontal divergency of collimator,energy and momentum transfer are considered.The results show that resolution decrease with increasing wavevector and horizontal divergency of collimator.The best energy resolution is 23 μeV.The layout of TAS determine the orientation of the resolution function in scattering space,but not affect the energy resolution.The resolution ellipse rotate with change of energy and momentum transfer.Calculation of resolution is important for designing the spectrometer and experiment.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期657-661,共5页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 三轴谱仪 中子 分辨率 Triple-axis spectrometer neutron Resolution function
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