
基于地理处理服务的滑坡敏感性区划研究 被引量:7

Landslide susceptibility mapping based on geoprocessing service
摘要 在ArcGIS Server平台下开发地理处理服务(GP服务),实现滑坡敏感性区划图的自动化编制。其步骤为:首先,阐述GP服务二次开发方法及其在地质灾害自动化分析和网络发布中的作用;然后,以贵州省为研究区域,选择高程、坡度、岩性、地质构造、铁路建设和年均降雨量6个致灾因子及其二级指标建立滑坡敏感性区划研究体系;最后,以主客观综合权重方法为原型构建滑坡敏感性区划GP模型,并发布为网络服务,在WebGIS系统中调用该服务自动编制贵州省滑坡敏感性区划图。将敏感性区划图与历史滑坡分布图比较,证明了GP模型的可靠性。 A landslide susceptibility mapping was automatically established by developing a geoprocessing service(GP service) in the environment of ArcGIS Server.The procedures were as follows.Firstly,the method of GP developing and the significances of GP services in geological hazard automatically analysis and network publishing were expatiated.Then,six causal factors,i.e.,elevation,slope,lithology,geological structure,railway construction and annual rainfall,including their subclasses,were selected to establish a landslide susceptibility mapping of Guizhou Province.Finally,according to the weighting method of subjective and objective synthesis,an automatic GP model of landslide susceptibility mapping was created and published on web.A landslide susceptibility map of Guizhou Province was established through GP modeling in the environment of WebGIS system.The reliability of the GP model was proved by statistical results obtained from the comparison of susceptibility map and inventory map.
出处 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期2086-2094,共9页 Journal of Central South University:Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)项目(2011CB710601) 交通运输部科技项目(2009318000074) 中央高校基本科研业务项目(2010DXPY016)
关键词 滑坡敏感性区划 地理处理服务 模型库 WEBGIS系统 landslide susceptibility mapping geoprocessing service model library WebGIS system
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