目的:探讨补肾健脾中药对妊娠大鼠子宫蜕膜孕激素受体的影响。方法:实验设计了“助孕3 号”( 菟丝子、续断、桑寄生、党参、黄芪等组成) 并通过建立米非司酮(RU486) 流产模型,设立阳性药和空白对照与之对照观察。结果:表明“助孕3 号丸”能促使孕激素分泌,并使RU486 与孕激素受体的结合率降低。结论:提示该药可能在受体水平促进黄体功能,从而起到保胎作用。为补肾健脾法防治自然流产提供了理论依据。
Aim:Zhuyun Ⅲ Pill (ZYⅢ) was specially prepared to expolre the effect of kidney-tonifying and spleen-invigorating herbal medicine on progesterone receptor of uterine decidua in pregnant SD rats. Methods:the abortive rat model was set up with mifepristone(RU486) and the control group was also established. Results:The results showed that ZYⅢ promoted the secretion of progesterone and inhibited the binding of RU486 to progesterone receptor. Conclusion: It is suggested that ZYⅢ could improve the function of corpus luteum and this will supply a theoreticla evidence for the kidney-tonifying and spleen-invigorating herbal medicine in preventing and treating the spontaneous abortion.
Journal of Jinan University(Natural Science & Medicine Edition)