
血液病患者侵袭性真菌感染的实验室诊断 被引量:2

Laboratory diagnosis of invasive fumgal infection in patients with hematologic diseases
摘要 侵袭性真菌感染是严重影响血液病患者生存率和死亡率的原因之一,实验室对于该病的早期诊断水平目前仍无法满足临床需要。传统的检测手段包括直接显微镜检查、培养和组织病理学等,近年来,各种与之相关的抗原、抗体检测和分子水平的诊断方法逐渐取得初步进展,为早期诊断侵袭性真菌感染以便早期进行有效治疗提供可能。现就侵袭性真菌感染的常规微生物学、血清学及分子生物学检测进行综述。 Invasive ftmgal infection (117I) is an important cause of morbidity and moaatity in patients with hematological disorders, and the early diagnosis of this disease clinically is far from satisfactory. The conventional ways of diagnosis include microscopical examination, blood cultivation and histopathology assessment. Recently, novel tests of re- lated antigen, antibody and PCR have shown their value preliminarily, which may lead to the early diagnosis and early treatment of IFI. In the article, the routine microbiological detection, serum assay and molecule biological detection are reviewed.
出处 《国际流行病学传染病学杂志》 CAS 2011年第4期281-283,共3页 International Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
关键词 真菌 感染 (1 3)-βD葡聚糖 半乳甘露聚糖 聚合酶链反应 血液病 Fungi Infection (l,3)-β-D-glucan Galactomannan PCR Hematologic diseases
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