目的;比较前列腺素E1(prostaglandinE1,PGE1)神经生长因子(erve Growth FactorNGF)对感觉轴突再生的作用。方法:将坐骨神经夹毁的模型大鼠分组,术后每日分别局部注射一定剂量的PGE1,NGD,NGF+腺苷(实验组)和生理盐水(对照组),用捏夹试验(pinch test)测感觉轴突再生的延迟时间和再生速度。结果 :NGF组无再生延心,PGE1有再生延迟(1.
Objective:To copare the effect of PGE_1 on sensory axon regeneration with NGF.Methods:Model rats of sciatic nerve crush were divided into groups. Immediately following operation different amounts ofPGE_1、NGF、NGFplus Adenosine or sterile salline were locally injected once a day.Pinch test was used to determine the regenerative delay and the velocity of sensory axons.Result:NGF resultedin an elimination of regeneration delay (0.0days),while PGE_1only led to a diminution(1.3days),but the regene rative rate was greater than that caused by NGF(P<0.05),Betwween 2 groups of nerves no difference was foundin the practical distance of regeneration nine days after operation.Simultaneous application of adenosine and NGF showed that adenosine could enhance the action of NGF in triggerng sprout and as compared with NGF applied alone,the regeneration axon could more rapidly innervate the peripheral sensory area.Conclusion:The effect of NGF on trigger sprouts was obvious whereas PGE_1significantly promotes regeneration.There might be a synergism between Ac-activator-Adenosine and NGF.There should be important therapectic valve