目的;检测炎症性肠病患者血清听 性粒细胞胞浆抗体,抗肠杯状细胞抗体,抗胰外分泌腺抗体三种自身抗体,并探讨三种自身抗体与IBD中溃疡性结肠炎和克隆病的关系及临床诊断应用价值。方法:应用间接免疫荧光法。结果:ANCN在IBD患者中,常见于UC,同CD比较有显著性差异;抗肠杯状细胞状抗体,抗胰外分泌腺抗体多见于CD。结论:抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体,抗肠杯状细胞抗体,抗胰外分泌腺抗体三种自身抗体检测。
Objective:To investigate the relationship between autoimmune antibodies and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),we detected three autoimmune antibodies including anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA),anti-intestinal goblet cells antibody and anti-pancreas acini cells antibody in sera from patients with IBD including ulcerative colitis (UC) and (crohn's disease (CD).The diagnostic value in clinical practice is also discussed.Methods:Indiret Immunofluorescence (ⅡF).Result:ANCA were more often detected in sera from patients with UC,and compared with CD there is signiflant difference {P< 0.001). Anti-intestinal goblet cells antibodies were detected with a higher frequency,in patients with UC than in patients with CD while anti-pancreas acini cells antibodies were detected with higher frequency in patients with CD than in patients with UC.Conclusion:Detection of autoantibodies including ANCA,intestinal goblet cells antibodies and anti-pancreas acini cell antibody may be of diagnostic value in patients with IBD and is helpful in distingwishing UC from CD.
inflammatory bowel disease
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
anti-intestinal goblet cells antibody
anti-pancreas acini cells antibody.