以10 例正常妊早期行人工流产的健康孕妇作为对照组,采用间接免疫荧光标记及流式细胞计数的方法,对10 例不明原因早期自然流产患者蜕膜组织中淋巴细胞表面分化抗原CD57 的表达进行了检测。实验组与对照组相比,蜕膜淋巴细胞表面CD57 的表达显著升高,分别为22 .38 % ±1 .98 % 、18 .99% ±1 .83 % ( P< 0 .0005) 。上述结果表明,患者蜕膜淋巴细胞表面CD57 的表达发生了改变,这为此种疾病的免疫学发病因素的探讨提供了一定的实验室参考依据。
Objective:To analysethe expression of CD57 on thesurface of deciduallymphocytesfrom Patients with unexplained spontaneousearlyabortion-Methods:Ten healthy pregnancy women ascontrolandten patientsenrolled forstudy-To observethe expression through the methodsofindirectedim munoflurecencelabeling and flow cytome try-Results:Compared with control group,the proportions of CD57 positive lymphocytes from patients increase greatly (22 .38 % ±1 .98% VS18 .99% ±1 .83 % ,P< 0 .0005)-Conclusion: The expression of CD57 on thesur face ofdeciduallymphocytesfrom patiens have changed ,perhapesthiscan givefurtherexperimentalevidencetothe study ofim munologicalfactorsin the disease-