齐墩果酸(Oleanolic acid)为五环三萜类化合物,它以盐或皂甙的形式广泛存在于多种植物中。药理实验证明,齐墩果酸可以阻止大白鼠肝硬变的发生,对四氯化碳引起的大白鼠急性肝损伤有明显的保护作用,还有清热、消炎、抑菌、强心和抑制S—180瘤株的生长作用。
This paper reports the extraction purification and identification of antihepatitis-drug-oleanolicacid. The results showed the active constituent-oleanolic acid. was isolated from the radix of theAlalia Chinensis L. of Zhejiang province, and both chemical and physical studies and Infrared Abso-rption spectrum analyses suggested that it be Oleanolic acid. The rate of extraction was 2.0-2.6%.Its content was 96.5%. The technology of extraction from the root skin of the Aralia ChinensisL. was simpler than that from the Ligustrum lucidum Ait and its content was higher than thatfrom the Ligustrum Iucidum Ait.
Aralia Chinensis L.
Ligustrum Iucidum Ait
Oleanolic acid extract