以法国双低品种普里莫尔 ( Primor)作母本 ,高产稳产品种宁油 5号作父本 ,经过多次连续单株选择 ,采取田间选择与化学分析相结合 ,选育出江苏省第 1个双低甘蓝型油菜品种淮宁 2号。经中国油料所等多家单位测定 ,其芥酸含量为 0 .3 0 %~ 0 .72 %,硫甙含量为 7.98~ 3 5.2 μmol/ g,油酸含量为 63 .2 3 %,亚油酸含量为 2 1 .1 9%,含油率为3 9.6%,符合国家优质油菜标准。在江苏省多年、多点试验、示范中 ,表现出高产、稳产、抗倒、抗寒等优点 。
Huaining 2 is the 1st double low repeseed of Brassica napus in Jiangsu. It was chosen from Primor×Ningyou 5 and combined with continud singal plant selection and chemical analyses. Analyesed showed that seed grains of Huaining 2 contented with oil 39.6%, erucic 0.3%~0.72% and glucosinolate 7.98~35.2 μmol/g. The test experiments and production indicated that this variety was resistant to lodging and coldness with high and stable yield and could be as a extended variety in Huaibei region.