本研究结果表明,在中上等肥力粘壤土条件下,氮、磷、钾对三岛柴胡的产量及品质有明显作用。但必须重视三要素的适宜配比,只有均衡供给氮、磷、钾,才能实现高产、优质、高效益。试验结果显示,以每公顷施纯氮207kg,P_2O_5 72kg,K_2O 234kg效果最佳。
The experiment results showed that N, P and K fertiliEer had obvious effects on the yield and quality cf Bupleurun falcatum (L. ). The appropriate ratio of three elements was very important. The high yield, good quality and high economic benefits was got only by balance application of N, P, K fertilizer.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences