
基于主客观赋权和TOPSIS的物流中心规划方案评价 被引量:2

The Evaluation Method for Facilities Planning of Logistics Centre Based on SOSA and TOPSIS
摘要 物流中心设施规划的方案评价是一个多目标决策问题.提出了一种基于主客观赋权(SOSA)和理想点法(TOPSIS)的综合评价方法,能够较好解决物流中心设施规划方案的评价优选问题.根据物流中心设施规划设计的特点和要求,建立综合评价指标体系;应用主客观赋权的方法,确定各指标在综合评价指标体系中的权重;求出各方案相应指标属性值对理想解的相对接近度;通过比较相对接近度的大小,对各个规划方案进行排序优选.应用实例表明该方法是合理有效的. The scheme evaluation for facilities planning of logistics center is a multiobjective decision making problem.Based on SOSA(Subjective and Objective Synthetic Approach) and TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution),a comprehensive evaluation method is brought forward to evaluate the scheme of logistics center's facilities planning.After establishing the evaluation indexes system,ascertaining the indexes' weight by SOSA,calculating the relative approach degree as to the ideal point and negative ideal point,and then the values of these relative approach degree are obtained.Based on the values,the evaluation result and the optimum scheme could be obtained.Case analysis shows that the proposed method is effective and reasonable.
作者 李玉民
出处 《郑州大学学报(工学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第4期42-46,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou University(Engineering Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70901066) 河南省科技计划资助项目(102400440008)
关键词 物流中心 规划方案 评价 AHP 熵权 TOPSIS logistics center planning scheme evaluation AHP entropy TOPSIS
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