目的了解锦州地区青少年错畸形发病原因,对病因进行干预,观察干预效果。方法采用整群抽样的方法,在市区和4个县区随机抽取1所高中,年龄在12~17周岁恒牙列初期的学生共2873人为研究对象,调查其发病因素,针对病因实施干预,对比口腔宣教前后正畸门诊就诊量。用SPSS for Windows 11.5软件包进行数据处理和统计分析。结果 Logistic回归表明,锦州地区恒牙列初期学生错畸形学生中有遗传因素者患病的概率是没有遗传因素者的400多倍;有舌习惯者患病的概率是没有舌习惯者的1.5倍。进行口腔宣教一年后,原调查人群中正畸人数显著增加,城乡正畸治疗比例差异显著。结论遗传因素是首要的发病因素,其次为舌习惯。口腔宣教直接影响患者对正畸治疗的认识及行为。
【Objective】 To investigate the cause of patho-occlusion,interfering in the causes,and observe intervention effect.【Methods】 Using random sampling to 2873 students in Jinzhou whose age was from 12 to 17 and investigating the cause of patho-occlusion,interfering in the causes.Compared clinic service quantity before and after oral propaganda and education.Analysized the datas by SPSS for Windows 11.5.【Results】 Indicated by Logistic,the rate of students suffering malocclusion in the early time of permanent dentition with genetic factor was 400 times compared to the students without genetic factor;the rate with tongue habits was 1.5 times compared to the rate without tongue habits.After 1 year oral propaganda and education,clinic service quantity increased significantly,the rate between city and country in orthodontic therapy was obviously difference.【Conclusion】 Genetic factor was the primary causation of disease,next was tongue habits.The patients' recognition and behavior was directly influenced by oral propaganda and education in orthodontic therapy.
China Medical Engineering