在IP技术迅速发展的今天,利用VoIP技术赚钱比节省话费更重要,所以许多企业都着手研究自身提供语音服务所需的最低费用.选择网关很重要,因此要充分了解独立网关、路由器网关、远程接入服务器网关及IP PBX网关的优缺点,以便选择适合的网关设备.在分析了利用VoIP技术组网存在的设备兼容问题、时延问题及推广较慢的原因后,探讨了解决这些问题的新方法和新技术,并展望了VoIP技术发展的新趋势.
These days, VoIP is more about making money than saving money, so many operators are researching on rock-bottom cost for their voice services provision. Gateway selection is important, therefore a good understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of various gateways is necessary, including standalone box, router, remote access server and IP PBX. The interoperability problems and latency problem in VoIP networking are analyzed and the new methods and new technologies to solve these problems are also discussed. Finally, the prospects of VoIP technology are presented.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications