经过对外开放二十年的发展,我国已发展成为世界第十大贸易国,对外经济贸易的规模迅速扩大,国际市场日益开拓。按照《“九五”计划和2010 年远景目标纲要》的规划,到2000年,我国当年的进出口额要达到4000 亿美元;到2010 年,我国当年的进出口总额还要适应国民经济的发展比2000 年再翻一番。要实现这个目标,单靠传统办法,通过资源型产品和低附加值产品的堆积是不可能的。本文从我国外贸现状分析入手,就我国外贸在世界经济一体化和贸易自由化浪潮中所面临的严峻挑战,提出着眼于国际市场的现实需要和未来发展的战略性对策。
years after the operation of reform and opening-up policy,with the rapidly expanding share in the world market,China has developed into the world tenth largest nation in terms of foreign trade volume.According to the National Ninth Five-Year-Plan and the longrange Program for the Year 2010,China has set a goal of raising the total value of foreign trade up to US$400 billion and doubling the figure by the year 2010,which is virtually impossible to attain by sheer means of traditional accumulation of resource-consuming products and low-added value processed goods.Based on a study of the status quo of our export trade and the real challenge we are now confronting in the world trend of free trade and economic integration,this paper raises some future-oriented practicla strategies aimed at strengthening our competitive power in the global trade competition.
Journal of Xi'an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications
Export mix of export commodity
Comparative advantage
International competitive power
Quality-based superiority