The HUanhe River discharged into the southem Yellow Sea through the Huanghe River estuary from 1128 to 1855 A. D, which resulted in flooding and waterlogging in the midddle and lower Huaihe River basin. on the othr hand, the modem channl of the lower Huanhe River is often taken as an analogy with the old Huanghe River. Therefore, in order to provide a theoretical foundation for appropriate hamssing Plans of both the Huanghe and Huaihe Rivers, it is neccessary to study the geomorphic evolution in the lower Huaihe mver basin. Howevef, except for the coasdine evolution of the old Huanghe mver delta since 1128 A. U, no ahention has been paid to the estuarine morphodynanic evolution of the Huanghe River estuary during 1128 to 1855 A. D.Based on historical liteares, this paper has discussed the dyAnc processes, geomorphology of the Huaihe River estuary during thes period of hme. Compared with the conteInporary Huanhe River,the Huaihe River estuary has a lareer runoff and silt dischnye which, was effected by the downfilling which took place in the lower Huanghe River valley for several times. The Huaihe estuary is a meso-tidal estuary with an average tide ranqe of over 3.2m. The tidal current and coastal current help silt diffuse into the Yellow Sea rapidy- The Huaihe River estuary is funnel-shaped with two crossing spits, a large bay mouth sand bar and submrged delta- The channl of the esmp has an obvious meandr form. The width of the mouth has a bend of increasing since 1700 A. n. During 1128-1855 A. D the hdal cimnt lindt ndgatd along the river continuously, and the estuary sbetohes toward the sea at the same hme. Because the tidal current lindt has a ndgrating disate much larges than the sbetohing disate of the mouth pasition, the length of the estuary channl below the tidal current limit becoms piogressively shoher. In response tO the energy dissipation and the reduchon the longitudinal gndent the estuarine channl developed a dishnchy meandring patterm- Thus, the Huanghe and the old Huaihe hivers have estuaries with different types, and there is no estuarine dynaxnorohic basis for the analogy between them.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica
Estuary The Huaihe River Tide Channel patten The Huanghe River