沙漠化研究伴随着中国沙漠科学的建立与发展经历了几十年艰苦奋斗的历程,为国民经济建设和沙漠科学体系的形成都做出了重要的贡献。近40 a来中国在有关沙漠化的基础研究、动态监测与评价、植被演替、景观生态学、植物逆境生理学、对生态系统的影响、水土资源的高效利用与可持续发展、整治模式和技术研究等方面取得了重大进展。未来中国沙漠化研究的重点领域是:风沙物理与沙漠环境、恢复生态学、水土资源利用与农业可持续发展、沙漠化逆转及其整治模式等方面。
China desertification research has experinced several decades of hard struggle along with the establishment and development of China desert sciences. The research has made great contribution to national economic construction and China desert scientific systems formation. In the past 40 years, considerable achivements have been made in desertification research fields such as basic research, dynamic monitoring and evaluation, vegetation evolution, landscape ecology, plant stress physiology, ecosystem, highly efficient use and sustainable development of water and land resources, treatment model and technology, etc. The key fields of China desertification research in the future are blown sand physics and desert environment, rehabiliatation ecology, water and land resources utilization and agricultural sustainable development, desertification reversion and treatment model, etc.
Journal of Desert Research