以草莓品种“硕香”和新品系“88-1 6-5”花药初代愈伤组织为材料 ,研究外源生长调节物质和 Ag NO3对愈伤组织继代培养和不定芽发生的影响。结果表明 :草莓花药初代愈伤组织不定芽分化培养基中添加 2 mg/L BA优于添加相同浓度的 ZT、CPPU和 KT。愈伤组织继代培养基中添加 1 mg/L CPPU对防止愈伤组织褐化及保持愈伤组织胚性和不定芽发生优于添加相同浓度的 BA、ZT和 KT。随着继代次数的增加 ,愈伤组织不定芽发生频率下降。分化培养基中添加5~ 1 5mg/L Ag NO3均可提高不定芽的分化率 ,以 8mg/L Ag NO3较为适宜。“硕香”和“88-1 6-5”
The effects of cytokinins and its analogue CPPU and AgNO 3 on callus subculture and adventitious bud induction in strawberry anther culture were investigated. The results of experiments were summarized as follows: ① BA with 2 mg/L in differentiation medium was more suitabte than ZT, CPPU or KT with the same concentration as BA for adventitious bud induction from anther primary calli. ② The addition of CPPU in subculture medium could inhibit the change of callus color and retain the plant regeneration capacity of embryogenic calli. ③ The frequencies of adventitous bud differentiation decreased with the subculture increase of the times. ④ 5~15 mg/L AgNO 3 in differentiation medium enhanced the adventitious bud induction rate, and the concentration was best suitable with 8 mg/L. ⑤ There was no significant difference in all treatments between strawberry cultivar “Shuoxiang” and new strain “88 16 5”.