2WTO Council for Trade in Services: Scheduling of Initial Commitments in Trade in Services: Explanatory Note, MTN. GNS/W/164, Sep. 3, 1993, para.5.
3WTO Council for Trade in Services, Decision on Professional Services, S/L/3, March 1, 1999.
4WTO Council for Trade in Services, Decision on Disciplines Relating to the Accountancy Seclor, S/L/63, Dec. 15, 1998.
5WTO Council for Trade in Services, Disciplines on Domestic Regulation in the Accountancy Sector, S/L/64, Dec. 17, 1998.
6WTO Council for Trade in Services, Diaeipl/nes on Domestic Regulation in the Accountancy Sector, supra note 4, para. 2, general provisions.
7Joost Pauwelyn, "Rien ne Va Plus? Distinguishing Domestic Regulation from Market Access in GATI" and GATS", World Trade Review, July 2005, p. 9.
8e. g., Laurel Terry, "But What Will the wro Disciplines Apply to? Distinguishing Among Market Access, National Treatment and Article VI:4 Measures When Applying the GATS to Legal Services", The Professional Lawyer (2004) 83, p. 98.
9Revised Scheduling Guidelines, supra note 3, at p.4.
10Joost Pauwelyn, wro Condemnation on of U,S. Ban on Intemet Gambling Pits Free Trade against Moral Values, ASIL Insight, November 2004, available at http://www, asil. org/insights/2004/11/insight041117, html.