我国木材资源形势严峻,现木材年缺口量已达到5 000 万m 3,随着天然林资源的减少以及人口、能源、环境问题的日益突出,木材供求矛盾随之加剧。大力定向培育人工林并对木材资源充分合理利用、高效利用是缓解我国21 世纪木材供求矛盾的根本途径,而加强木材科学基础研究是实现人工林定向培育及木材资源高效利用的前提。随着木材资源结构的变化,木材科学研究需要突破传统内涵,开创新的外延,实行一个中心,两个结合的战略研究对策,重点开展以人工林木材性质为中心,及其与营林培育和加工利用相结合的基础研究,为实现林木定向培育和木材资源高效利用,以缓解我国21 世纪木材供求矛盾提供科学依据和理论指导。
The situation of wood resources in China is severe. The timber supply deficit has reached 50 million cubic meters per year. With the decreasing old growth forests, the increasing population, and the increasing concern about the energy resources and environmental problems, the contradiction between demand and supply of timber will be more severe. Planting large area of short rotation plantation stock on purpose and the proper and efficient use of timber resources are the only choices of mitigating this contradiction in the next century. Emphasizing the research in wood science will play a critical role in realizing these two choices. As the timber resources shifts from natural forests to plantation forests stock, the research in wood science has to make a corresponding shift from the traditional intension, and develop a new extension. First, the research in basic characteristics of plantation wood should be focused, the research on the relationships between wood properties, silviculture, and the efficient utilization of plantation and silviculture should be studied to provide the scientific guide for forest managers to ensure that genetics and the proper silvicultural treatments are considered prior to regeneration and planting. On the other hand,the relationship between wood properties and its efficient use should be investigated to ensure that the plantation timber is utilized in the most efficient way possible.
World Forestry Research