目的:建立闽南草药风柜斗草中槲皮素和异鼠李素含量测定的方法。方法:采用70%甲醇超声提取,HPLC-PDA分析方法测定。色谱条件为色谱柱Ultimate Column TMC18 4.6×150mm×5μm,流动相甲醇∶0.5%磷酸=55∶45,流速:1.0 mL/min,柱温:30℃,检测波长:370nm。结果:闽南草药风柜斗草中槲皮素在10~200μg/mL与峰面积的线性关系良好,回归方程为:Y=38409X-54808(r=0.9998),平均回收率为95.2%,RSD值为0.72%;异鼠李素在5~101μg/mL与峰面积的线性关系良好,回归方程为:Y=37623X-26662(r=0.9997),平均回收率为97.03%,RSD为2.35%。结论:本试验建立的HPLC-PDA分析方法具有回收率高、重现性好、选择性强等特点,适用于闽南草药风柜斗草中槲皮素和异鼠李素含量的测定。
Objective:To establish a method for determining the content of quercetin and isorhamnetin in the medicinal herb of Sarcopyramis nepalensis Wall.Methods:With absolute methanol solvent,ultrasonic extraction,UltimateTM C18(4.6*150mm,5μm) column,methanol:0.5% phosphoric acid = 55:45(V / V) as mobile phase,the flow rate was 1.0ml/min,The column temperature was at 30℃ with 370nm detection wavelength,HPLC-PDA determination of quercetin.Results:The linear range of quercetin concentration was from 10μg/mL to 200μg/mL,Y=38409X-54808(r=0.9998),The average recovery was 95.2% with the RSD of 0.72%.The linear range of isorhamnetin concentration was from 5μg/mL to 101μg/mL,Y=37623X-26662(r=0.9997),The average recovery was 97.03% with the RSD of 2.35%.Conclusion:The proposed method had highly repeatability and selectivity.It was simple,fast and could be used for the quality control of quercetin and isorhamnetin in the medicinal herb of Sarcopyramis nepalensis Wall.
Fujian Analysis & Testing