
输入受限卫星姿态的鲁棒非线性镇定与跟踪控制 被引量:2

Satellite Attitude Robust Nonlinear Stabilization and Tracking Control with Constrained Inputs
摘要 研究控制输入受限的卫星在存在外部干扰和转动惯量不确定性时的姿态镇定和姿态跟踪控制问题,利用双曲正切函数的性质分别设计了两种有界鲁棒非线性反馈控制律,并用李雅普诺夫方法证明:通过适当选择两种控制律中的参数,可保证闭环系统角速度误差渐近趋于零,且姿态误差收敛到事先给定的原点小邻域内.仿真结果表明利用所设计的控制律可在控制输入受限情况下有效抑制外部干扰和转动惯量不确定性的影响,达到预期控制目标. In the presence of inertia uncertainties, external disturbances and constrained control inputs, the problems of satellite attitude stabilization and tracking control are investigated in this paper. Two bounded robust nonlinear control laws are established based on properties of the hyperbolic tangent func- tion. By using the Lyapunov' s stability theory and choosing controller parameters properly, it is proved that in the two closed-loop systems angular velocity errors tend to be zero asymptotically and attitude errors converge to the preset small neighborhoods of the origin. The simulation results demonstrate that the effects of inertia uncertainties and external disturbances can be attenuated by the proposed approaches under the condition of constrained control inputs.
作者 孙亮 霍伟
出处 《空间控制技术与应用》 2011年第4期24-30,共7页 Aerospace Control and Application
基金 空间智能控制技术重点实验室项目 北京市教育委员会共建重点学科项目专项资助
关键词 卫星姿态镇定 卫星姿态跟踪 控制受限 鲁棒非线性控制 双曲正切函数 satellite attitude stabilization satellite attitude tracking constrained inputs robust nonlinear control hyperbolic tangent function
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