
经济开放与地方财政支出 被引量:11

The Influence of Economic Openness on Local Fiscal Expenditure
摘要 本文在经典的中位选民需求函数模型基础上,构建了地方财政支出决定的动态空间面板模型,分析了经济开放对地方财政支出的影响。研究发现,经济开放的地方财政支出效应是多维和复杂的,经济开放引起了地方政府支出规模的扩大,外商投资扩大使地方支农支出、社会福利支出增加,贸易开放使地方文化和公检法司支出增加,支持了经济开放的补偿假说;同时,投资开放引起行政管理支出和财政补贴支出减少,贸易开放度的提升促进了地方财政基础设施、科教等支出的增加,并减少社会福利支出,又支持效率假说。经济开放对地方财政支出结构扭曲的矫正和强化效应并存,我国应在坚持开放的前提下,积极创造使经济开放的积极效应最大化、消极效应最小化的制度条件。 Based the classical model of the middle voter demand function, this paper builds a dynamic spatial panel model of local fiscal expenditure decision, and empirically studies the impact of economic openness on the local fiscal expenditures. The empirical analyses show that: the local fiscal expenditure effects of openness are multidimensional and complex; economic openness leads to the expansion of local government expenditure scale; the investment openness increases the agriculture-aid expenditure and social welfare expenditure, and decrease the expenditure for administrative expenses and fiscal subsidies. The trade openness increases the expenditure for operating expenses of cuhure departments and expenditure for public security agency, prosecutorial agency, court and justice agency, and expenditure for capital construction, science and education, at same time, decreases the social welfare expenditure. Because openness rectifies and intensifies fiscal expenditure structure distorted simultaneously, China should create the institutional conditions to maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative effects, under the premise of adhering to openness policy.
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期9-20,共12页 Statistical Research
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(10CJY066) 国家社科基金一般项目(08BJY107) 西南财经大学财税学院教育部"211工程"三期建设项目"公共品与公共财政建设"的支持
关键词 经济开放 地方财政支出 广义矩估计 economic openness local fiscal expenditure GMM
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