
我国区域政策实施效果与区域发展的基本态势 被引量:138

The RegionalPolicy Effectsand Regional Developm entStatesin China
摘要 改革开放以来, 在国民经济发展取得巨大成就及社会主义市场经济逐步确立的宏观背景下, 区域开发与发展问题愈来愈成为各级政府规划决策和学术界关注的重大问题。中国科学院地理研究所针对中国区域发展问题开展系统研究, 并每两年编制《中国区域发展报告》, 跟踪全国及各地区国土资源开发与经济发展的重大举措和动态,分析各地区实施的区域发展战略和政策对经济增长、结构改善及生态环境产生的效果, 揭示地区经济增长水平和地区间差异的形成机制与变化趋势, 并对地区资源开发与保护、加快经济发展的政策等提出分析性的建议。本文重点分析评价 “八五”和 “九五”初期国家及各地区实施的区域政策及效果、发展态势和存在问题, 并提出区域发展政策的建议。文中论述了区域宏观战略演变、东西和南北地带性和省区差距、地区产业结构调整、外向型经济发展、扶贫、分税制。 The paper condensed the m ajor viewpoints of 1997 RegionalDevelopm ent Re- port ofChina. The report took the regionaleconom ic developm ent as the m ajor them e, sum m arized m ainly the regionalpoliciesatnationaland provinciallevelsduring theeighth- five-yearplan and early stageoftheninth-five-yearplan, analyzed and evaluated thepolicy effects, developm entstates, existing problem s, and put forw ard som e recom m endations for regionaldevelopm entpolicies. Based on thesystem aticdiscussions, thepaperdrew the conclusions as follows: 1) The m acro-strategy to develop the coastalregions as priority exactly m atched our country's situations atpresentstage, and the policies to im prove the Middle and WestChina developm enthad positive effectsto reverse the trends ofenlarged differencesbetw een the Eastand WestChina; 2) To realize the overallstrategictargetsof “Three-stage-theory”stillrequired theenforcem entofcoastalm odernization pulling strat- egy, and the infrastructure and socialdevelopm entshould be the priorities in the Middle and WestChina developm ent; 3) The pole ofregionaldevelopm entshiftsouthwards, the econom ic grow th in theSouth wasm oreactive, thestructuralissuesin theNorth hinderedthe socialand econom icdevelopm ent. During the processes ofreducing the regionaldiffer- encesbetween the Eastand the West, the difference ofeconom ic activities and structures between the North and the South should also be taken into considerations; 4) The abso- lute differences ofeconom ic developm entlevels enlarged rapidly am ong allprovinces, au- tonom y regionsand m unicipalities. How ever, therelative differencesshow ed thetrendsof declining; 5) There were w idely progressatprovinciallevelsin industrialstructuralalter- nations and new econom ic growth pole innovations, the provincialdevelopm entcharacter- ized with uniquefeatures,thedifferencesoftransportation, com m unication, infrastructure becam e m ore obvious, the allocation of grain production bases shifted northw ards and westw ards, and the problem s eagerto success and ofduplicate construction w ere very se- vere in grain production aspects; 6) The out-wards econom ic developm enthavegreatcon- tributions to sustainable and rapid econom icgrowth since reform and opennessbegan, but the effectsoffavorite policies in specialregionsand coastalopen cities declined gradually, thecontinued absorption offoreign fundsdepended gradually on econom icdevelopm entac- tivities of particular regions. Our country's out-ward econom ic developm ent should en- force the regionalcore rolesofspecialregionsand coastalopen cities w hich were m ore ac- tive in econom ic developm ent; 7)The changes ofpoverty alleviation strategies have taken place from quantity to quality. The differences ofpoverty alleviation effectsam ong differ- entregionswereobvious, so did the facing problem s; 8)Thetaxation reform m etthe sub- jectneedsto controlthe regionalresourcesin m arketeconom y, and itincreased the finan- cialcapacity ofcentralgovernm ent, butthedream to im prove theregionalcoordinated de- velopm ent did not com e true. The distribution ofcentralgovernm ent financialaids were unfair between the less developed and m ore developed regions, and the correlation was very w eak between the financialaids percapita and GDPper capita ofeach province, au- tonom y region orm unicipality; 9)Thescopeofregionaleconom iccooperation enlarged and the form s diversified. The cooperation betw een the East and the West had obvious progress, but the cross-regions econom ic and technicalcooperation w as facing financial and banking barriers; 10)High developm entgrowth rate resulted in m ore and m oresevere ecologicalproblem swith therelatively seriousw aterand airpollution and very severe eco- logicaldegradations.
出处 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期496-508,共13页 Acta Geographica Sinica
关键词 区域发展 政策效果 中国 经济发展 政策实施 regionaldevelopm ent policy effects developm entstates
  • 相关文献


  • 1Liu Yi,J Chin Geogr,1998年,8卷,3期,203页
  • 2国家计委国土地区司,1997中国地区经济发展报告,1998年
  • 3陆大道,1997中国区域发展报告,1997年
  • 4国家统计局,中国统计年鉴,1996年











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