
诸神相容之可能性?——宗教对话展开之症结与契机 被引量:1

The Possibility to Free Gods from Contesting?—The Cruxes and Opportunities to Carry out Interreligious Dialogues
摘要 从亨廷顿的文明冲突论,到科尼尔所言宗教对话之不可能性,都显示了一种宗教在人们身上的根深蒂固性。然而,与宗教信仰相关的一系列事物对于信仰者的意义并非单纯,在某些方面宗教对话较易展开,而在其他方面却相对较难。人们对意义世界确定性的依赖和追求构成宗教对话的核心阻碍。但当代全球化形势下的宗教转型、信仰者的多元认同交叉和各种宗教对话理论的建构,为宗教对话障碍的消解提供了契机。 Claims such as Huntington's "clash of civilizations" and Catherine Cornille's impossibility of interreligious dialogue indicate that a religious belief can be deeply-rooted for believers. However, things related to one's religious belief do not make up a homogeneous block as far as their significance is concerned: some can be of core importance while others are peripheral. Interreligious dialogues are relatively easy at the peripheral level but difficult at the core level. Normally people tend to pursue and rely on the certainty of a world of meaning, which constitutes a pivotal barrier to interreligious dialogues. The recent globalization process, religious transformations, the overlapping of believers' multiple identities, and the construction of various interreligious dialogue theories, however, provide opportunities to free interreligious dialogues from many obstacles.
作者 郭慧玲
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期32-37,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国际合作项目"公民认同建构中的宗教资源:中国信徒群体的比较研究"
关键词 宗教对话 具身性 认同 确定性 宗教转型 群际宽容 interreligious dialogue embodiment identity certainty religion transformation intergroup tolerance
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