

Ecological value of Chinese singing-insects culture
摘要 生态城市是人类理想的居住环境,它能用最少的自然资源为人们提供有质量的生活。生物多样性程度是生态城市最显著的指标之一。作为自然界中绝对优势的生物类群,昆虫是生物多样性的主角。广布于城乡郊野的直翅目蟋蟀类和螽斯类昆虫,在中国享有很高的知名度,已形成了一种独特的有活力的传统文化。野生鸣虫种类的多少和种群的大小与其栖息环境的自然状态或城市化程度密切相关,栖息环境的植被越自然(原始状态),呜虫越多;反之,城市化程度越高,自然植被越少,呜虫则越少。鸣声具有显著的种别特征的常见鸣虫可以作为城市生物多样性程度和城市自然环境状态的指示物种。常见鸣虫是对未成年人开展生命教育和环境教育的乡土资源,能为城市居民提供富有美学和诗意的生活。从这个意义上说,生态城市不应是寂静的,而应有悦耳的天籁之音。中国呜虫文化作为是一种非物质的自然遗产,应纳入自然科学博物馆的专业管理范围。 An ecocity is a human settlement that enables its residents to live with a good quality of life while using minimal natural resources. Biodiversity is one of the most obvious criteria in defining an ecocity and insects are small majority,which play a major role of biodiversity and making incredible contribution in ecosystems. A group of singing orthopteran insects (katydids and crickets), widely distributed in both urban and rural regions are well known in China, which has become a characteristic part of Chinese culture. The number of species and the abundance of singing insects are correlated with natural habitat condition, especially the amount of vegetation. More singing insects are associated with more naturally vegetated habitats, and vice versa. It is proposed that singing crickets would be a good index of the biodiversity and condition of urban natural environments because of their species-specific song. Singing insects are good regional resources for school children in environmental and life science education. They are very special components of an ecocity, which enable its residents to live in city with an aesthetic value. In this sense, an ecocity should be audible, not noisy only. Singing insect is an intangible natural heritage, which should be cared and under the stewardship of the local natural science museums.
作者 金杏宝
机构地区 上海科技馆
出处 《上海科技馆馆刊》 2009年第2期31-38,共8页 Journal of Shanghou Science & Technology Museur
基金 感谢澳大利亚墨尔本的无脊椎动物学者AlanYen博士对此项目的长期关注和全力支持,他为本文提供了相关文献资料,并对文稿提出了修改意见.感谢台湾中兴大学的昆虫学者杨正泽教授、台中自然科学博物馆的设计师杨中信博士提供诸多帮助 感谢司强、刘漫萍、崔志兴参与了野外和市场调研 感谢夏建宏、周保春、张小澜、葛然、顾洁燕、李军以不同的方式提供帮助.
关键词 呜叫蟋蟀和螽斯 中国呜虫文化 非物质自然遗产 Singing crickets and katydids Chinese insect culture urban nature conservationntangible natural heritage
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