中国是世界上产蛋化石最多的国家,而浙江省又是中国产蛋化石最多的省份之一,迄今已在省内12个县市发现蛋化石,且数量大,种类多。本文简要描述和讨论了西峡巨型长形蛋Macroelongatoolithus xisciaensis,南马东阳蛋Dongyangoolithusr nanmaensis,二连副圆形蛋Paraspheroolithus irenensis,棱柱蛋Prismatoolithus sp.,洪坡网格蛋Dictyoolithus hongpoensis和蒋氏陆龟蛋Testudoolithus jiangi,并根据各盆地产出的蛋化石种类对浙江省白垩纪盆地地层进行了对比。
China is one of the most productive areas of fossil eggs in the world, and Zhejiang Province is one of the most in China. Until now, fossil eggs have been found in 12 counties or cities of Zhejiang, the number and species of the fossil eggs are abundant. In this study the following dinosaur eggs, namely Macroelongatoolithus xixiaensis , Paraspheroolithus irenensis , Dongyangoolithus nanmaensis , Prismatoolithus sp. Dictyoolithus hongpoensis, and the turtle egg Testudoolithus jiangi were described. The discovery of these Cretaceous fossil eggsprovides an important evidence for the stratigraphic comparison between Zhejiang continental sedimentary basins. Fossil eggs have not been found in lower Yongkang Group, Tiantai Group and Qujiang Group, but there are abundant fossil eggs in the middle and upper of these groups. The species compositions of dinosaur fossil eggs in Yong kang, Tiantai and Qujiang Groups reveals that they formed in the same age.
Journal of Shanghou Science & Technology Museur
Zhejiang Province, Late Cretaceous, eggfossils, stratigraphic correlation