
服务科学优先研究方向和重点课题概述及评析 被引量:1

Introduce and analysis of the Research Priorities and Key Issues for the Science of Service
摘要 服务科学是一门新兴的复合交叉型学科,尚处于研究的初级阶段。亚利桑那州立大学服务领导研究中心历时18个月完成了一项研究报告,识别和阐明了今后服务科学研究十大全球性、跨学科的优先研究方向和重点研究课题。本文对该研究报告进行编撰、凝练和分析,希望对我国的服务科学研究提供启示和借鉴,从而激发国内服务科学研究者关注那些能为学术界、企业和政府带来最大价值和潜在回报的研究领域和课题。 Service Science is a new type of complex cross-discipline,is still in the initial study stage.Arizona State University's Center for Services Leadership embarked on an 18-month effort to finish a report which identify and articulate a set of global,interdisciplinary research priorities focused on the science of service.On the basis of translation,the authors re-compiled,condensed and analysis the report,the authors hope to provide enlightenment for the research of China's science of service.The intent is that the priorities will spur service research by shedding light on the areas of greatest value and potential return to academia,business,and government.
机构地区 吉林大学
出处 《行政与法》 2011年第7期65-68,共4页 Administration and Law
关键词 服务科学 优先方向 重点课题 science of service priorities issues
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