

Influence on the expression of c-fos gene by the different intensity light stimulation in hen tectofugal pathway
摘要 为进一步探究光照对母鸡生产性能影响的神经调节机制,采用神经标记和免疫组化技术相结合的方法,对不同强度光照对母鸡离顶盖通路c-fos基因表达的影响进行了观察研究。将120日龄母鸡右眼遮光5 d后向丘脑圆核引入微量30%HRP,48 h后解除遮光并给予不同强度的光照刺激1~1.5 h,暗适应1.5 h后灌流固定,取脑制作连续冰冻切片,用TMB法检测离顶盖通路HRP逆行标记神经细胞,通过Fos蛋白免疫组化方法检测c-fos基因在这些部位的表达。结果显示,母鸡离顶盖通路各核团对不同强度的光刺激有不同的反应,SGC层和ROT核对30 lx光照最为敏感,而SP/IPS核对40 lx光照反应较为明显。 In order to further understand the nerve regulation mechanism in effect of light on hen production performance,influence on the expression of c-fos gene by the different intensity light stimulation in hen tectofugal pathway was studied using nervous labeling combining with the immunohistochemistry method.The right eyes of hens in 120 day-old were shaded to keep dark for 5 d,then small amount of 30% HRP was injected into the thalamencephalon nucleus rotundus(ROT).After a 48 h survival period,light stimulation of different intensities was given for 1-1.5 h,afterwards kept in dark again for 1.5 h.Following perfusing with fixative,their brains were removed and made into continuous frozen sections.TMB method was used to show the HRP retrograde labeling nervous cells,and the immunohistochemical reaction of Fos protein was employed to detect the expression of c-fos gene in these regions.The results showed that there are different reactions to different light stimulation in the nucli of hen tectofugal pathway.Stratum griseum centrale(SGC) and ROT are most sensitive to the light of 30 lx,while the nucleus SP/IPS is more sensitive to the light of 40 lx.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期91-94,共4页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金(30840059) 河北省自然科学基金(C2007000537) 河北农业大学校长基金(20040416)
关键词 HRP逆行标记 光照刺激 C-FOS基因 离顶盖通路 母鸡 HRP retrograde tracing light stimulation c-fos gene tectofugal pathway hen
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