
负性行为事件问卷的修订 被引量:3

Revision of Negative Acts Questionnaire(NAQ)
摘要 目的:对Einarsen等人于2009年编制的负性行为事件问卷(NAQ)进行修订。方法:对246名在职人员进行预测,通过项目分析和探索性因素分析,形成正式问卷;对240名北京地区的在职人员施测正式问卷,检验其信效度指标。结果:修订后的负性行为事件问卷包含与工作相关的欺负和与个人相关的欺负两个维度,两个因素的累计方差解释率为51.94%;总问卷、与工作相关的欺负和与个人相关的欺负分维度的内部一致性系数分别为0.91、0.85和0.86,一个月后的重测信度分别为0.73、0.65和0.72;验证性因素分析结果显示,修订后的问卷其χ2/df值为1.92,IFI、TLI和CFI值分别为0.91、0.89与0.91,RMSEA值为0.06;选用工作倦怠量表中的情绪衰竭维度以及离职意向作为效标,结果表明,问卷总分、与工作相关的欺负和与个人相关的欺负与情绪衰竭和离职意向均呈显著正相关。结论:修订的负性行为事件问卷具有良好的心理测量学指标,可用于工作场所欺负相关的研究。 Objective: To revise Negative Acts Questionnaire(NAQ) developed by Einarsen et al.in 2009 on the basis of relevant studies.Methods: Data were collected from 246 employeas and the formal questionnaire was formed according to the result of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis.Then 240 employees in Beijing area were invited to join the final survey for the reliability and validity.Results: The revised NAQ included two components: Work related bullying and person related bullying;and the total variance explained 51.94%;The Cronbach's α coefficient of the total scale and each subscale were 0.73,0.65 and 0.72;χ2/df value of revised NAQ was 1.92,IFI,TLI and CFI value more than 0.85,and RMSEA value 0.06;The correlation between revised NAQ and emotional exhaustion was significantly positive,the same as the correlation between revised NAQ and intention to quit job,which showed that the revised NAQ had good criterion validity.Conclusion: The revised NAQ is a reliable and valid measure and it can be used in both research and practice in workplace bullying.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2011年第4期458-461,465,共5页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 负性行为事件问卷 信度 效度 Negative acts questionnaire Reliability Validity
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