
2007年火电行业温室气体排放量估算 被引量:7

Estimation of GHG Emissions from Chinese Thermal Power Industry in 2007
摘要 为了解我国火电行业温室气体排放情况,参考《IPCC国家温室气体排放清单指南》中固定源燃烧温室气体排放量计算方法学部门方法的相关内容,利用实测的温室气体排放因子以及2007年火电行业活动水平数据,计算火电行业温室气体排放量.排放因子测算及排放量计算过程均遵循IPCC关于温室气体排放计算的质量保证和质量控制内容.结果表明,2007年我国火电行业CO2与N2O排放量分别为2.81×109和1.56×105 t.同时使用参考方法,利用国家级能源统计数据直接计算火电行业CO2排放量.将部门方法与参考方法计算结果进行比对发现,原煤、原油和天然气燃烧温室气体排放量2种方法的相对偏差分别为7.5%,98.8%和1.6%,除原油外,原煤和天然气燃烧CO2排放量与参考方法相差并不大. Greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions from Chinese thermal power industry were calculated according to the sectoral method from fixed source combustion emissions of the "IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories".Thermal power industry emission factors and activity data from 2007 were used.Both the measurement of emission factors and subsequent data manipulations complied with the requirements of IPCC quality assurance(QA) and quality control(QC) for the calculation of GHG emissions.Results showed that CO2 and N2O emissions from thermal power industry in 2007 were 2.81×109 and 1.56×105 t,respectively.A comparison was made between the estimated emissions using the sectoral method and the reference method,which used national statistical data to directly calculate CO2 emission from thermal power industry.The results showed relative deviations of 7.5%,98.8% and 1.6% respectively for coal,oil and natural gas combustion.Thus,the CO2 emission estimates for coal and natural gas combustion were not much different from these two approaches,though oil was an exception.
出处 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期890-896,共7页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 环境保护部环境规划院资助项目(08138)
关键词 火电行业 CO2 N2O 排放量 thermal power industry CO2 N2O emissions
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